by Robert Hunziker (from ISEE – The International Society for Ecological Economics)

Stuart Scott (72) founder/executive producer of Facing Future TV and the United Planet Faith & Science Initiative passed away at his home in Honolulu on July 15th.
Stuart’s early recognition of the human impact on the planet’s ecosystems resulted in a personal mission dedicated to the education of the public about the detrimental consequences of climate change/global warming.
Following an extensive training course with Al Gore’s group Climate Reality in 2008, he left his regular employment to devote the remainder of his life to exposing the climate crisis to the public. Additionally, he advocated ecological economics by founding The Circle of Elders of Ecological Economics in 2021 as an antidote to the illusion of endless growth on a finite planet,
Indeed, educating the public about the climate crisis and offering a solution via ecological economics are his everlasting legacies, which live on in his name by way of several venues he established, but most importantly in the hearts of countless people throughout the world who were touched by his work.
Stuart’s reach was global, spreading the word about a dangerously changing climate system with over 100 presentations at notable climate conferences as well as innumerable recorded conversations with senior scientists and environmental advocates made available to the public.
His introduction of Greta Thunberg at the age of 15 to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP24 (Conference of the Parties) in Poland was the start of her remarkable trajectory for a global movement called Fridays for Future. He also influenced a reluctant James Hansen, the dean of climate science, to accompany him to the Paris ’15 climate summit.
Recently, Stuart took the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to task for its appalling failure to properly handle the serious threat of inadequately stored nuclear waste, a project that he intended to carry forward with additional exposure of this covert lethal affair.
Throughout his efforts for climate justice, Stuart has been a vocal advocate of uniting faith and science. He met Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson, encouraging them to recognize the role of the Church in protecting God’s creation by inspiring congregations to act on climate change. He suggested that Pope Francis attend COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021, which the Pope has agreed to do.
Religious leaders including the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu as well as the UN World Council of Religious Leaders, the World Council of Churches, and the Central Council of the Baha’i Faith have endorsed Stuart’s tireless efforts. Secular organizations Greenpeace, McKibben’s and The Center for Biological Diversity have also endorsed Scott’s Interfaith Declaration.
Stuart attended 10 of the last 13 Conference of the Parties (COP). He conducted and broadcast interviews and panel discussions under the banner of Climate Matters.TV and, which he founded in order to spread the word of the emerging climate emergency.
Stuart advised us to be fearless in contacting anyone who might further the effort to awaken people to the recognition that growth economics, based on greed and consumption, is destroying our planet. Instead, he advocated a no-growth, cyclical economy based on ecological economics.
Stuart’s passion for this work extended to his dying day, including his last conversation with Noam Chomsky, recorded June 29th, which you can view on FacingFuture.TV. There you will also find his many conversations with ecologists, nuclear engineers, economists, and environmental scientists. More of his work, action ideas, and commentary are on the website, FacingFuture.Earth.
Stuart’s bold commitment to a sustainable planet and equitable allocation of resources has inspired people throughout the world. He leaves his dedication to preserving the planet to the experienced hands of his colleagues at FacingFuture.
His children Sean Scott and Joshua Scott, his siblings Diana Scott and David Scott, and former wives Melanie Oldfather, Fawn Shang, Rosemary Bak, and Atey Noun survive Stuart.
Meditation will be held at the Arica School, of which Stuart was a lifelong member.
Please send any donations to help support Stuart’s work to: